Congregational Leaders | Coordinating Council and Supporting Committees

The Coordinating Council oversees the operation of the congregation, on behalf of members, in order to carry out the mission and vision of the congregation.


PETER BURTON | Executive Director

JOHN SULZLE | Board of Family Ministry

  • Pierce Wanner

  • Dave Lepke

  • Randy Behnke

RYAN MCNICHOLS | Board of Finance

  • Scott Ort

  • Al Tank

JARED LAABS | Board of Outreach

  • Brian Posselt

  • Bruce Kloehn

JOE OBERTIN | Board of Parish Property

  • Scott Dailey

  • Bob Dailey

  • Jayme Close

  • Mark Niemuth

LUKE DOBBERSTEIN | Board of School

  • Frank Radtke

  • Lindy Gerndt

  • John Kaepernick

ARIEN HERMINATH | Board of Spiritual Care

  • Peter Krueger

  • Lee Shaw

TOM RAETHER | Board of Spiritual Growth

  • Keith Hutmaker

  • Randy Schoenrock

JIM MAGOLSKI | Board of Stewardship

  • Tom Bleck

  • Bruce Davis

ADAM DORN | Board of Worship

  • Wayne Steingraber

  • Josh Buschkopf

MARCIA PETIT | Recording Secretary

TRACIE KLING | Endowment Committee

  • Roger Steingraber

  • Chuck Otis

  • Jane Dexter

  • Ann Christian

  • Cindy Platz

TROY KUPPERNUS | Salary Review Committee

  • Cris Ladwig

  • Jon Dahlke

SUE OBERTIN | Financial Aid Committee

  • Gloria Swedesky

  • Randy Schoenrock