Welcome to Emanuel

Pastor Bill Heiges welcomes you to Emanuel

We are thrilled to share the wonderful news of the Bible with you, centered on Jesus Christ and the abundant blessings he brings into our lives.

We aim to assist you in:

  • Understanding how Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection removed our sins and guilt, thereby enabling us to stand righteously before God.

  • Discovering a new life in Christ as a cherished member of God's family.

  • Finding strength and inspiration for Christian living through Bible classes and worship services.

  • Finding solace in difficult times and having faith in a promising future by strengthening your faith in God's love and promises.


If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us at 920-982-5444. Our pastors are available to meet with you in person. We're eager to share with you the most significant treasure, Jesus Christ!

We would love to have you join us for worship:
Saturday 5:15 p.m. • Sunday 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.


 Visiting Emanuel

If you're planning to visit Emanuel, you'll find the church situated on a corner with parking lots located on several sides of the building. There are reserved parking spots in front of the church, opposite the main entrance, or a larger parking lot on Division Street behind the church that you can use.

Pastor Mark Tiefel explaining our FORWARD Expansion Project

Upon entering the church through the main entrance, turn left and ascend a set of stairs into the narthex, where friendly greeters will meet you and help with anything you may need, such as obtaining a listening device or making your visit as comfortable as possible. If you enter through the back parking lot, you can climb the stairs to the narthex area or take the other back door that leads to a long hallway. Follow the hallway straight to the front door and through the set of fire doors, and you will find the main stairway to the narthex and church proper. An elevator is available next to the main stairway, with restrooms located nearby. More restrooms are available at the east end of the narthex and in the basement.

The dress code is flexible, with a variety of clothing styles ranging from business/casual to suits and jeans, all seen in a typical service at Emanuel.

Emanuel has three pastors, and you will typically meet one or two of them during a worship service. Our services last about an hour and use liturgy and praise from our hymnal, Christian Worship, provided in the pews. We also use screens and a projection system to display the service for you to follow. Our weekend services may include the celebration of Holy Communion, which is included in the service for those confirmed in the faith or in doctrinal fellowship with our congregation.

We welcome everyone to join us, and our pastors, staff ministers, and school faculty are here to serve you with the truth of God’s Word. Please fill out the connection card in each pew before leaving, so we can acknowledge your visit. We appreciate your presence and do not expect visitors to contribute to our offering collection unless they feel moved to do so. Please don't hesitate to contact our pastors or the church office if you have any questions or need assistance. May your visit to Emanuel be blessed by God.

Christian Worship hymnals assist worshipers to praise the Lord


Contact Us


Request a Prayer

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” -Philippians 4:6