Serving with Music

Adult Handbells

Our Adult Handbell group welcomes new members to create beautiful music together! We play uplifting songs that enhance our worship services, praising God through the melody of handbells. No prior experience is necessary! We're happy to teach you the ropes and help you find your musical voice. If you're interested in joining this vibrant group, contact Kay Gielow at (715) 752-3536 or

Bells Alive

Calling all young musicians (grades 5-12)! Bells Alive is a fun and faith-filled group where you can learn to play handbells and share the joy of music during worship services. No experience is necessary – we'll teach you everything you need to know! Develop your musical skills, build teamwork, and praise God with the beautiful sounds of handbells. If you're interested in joining Bells Alive, contact Kay Gielow at (715) 752-3536 or We can't wait to hear you ring!

Adult Choir

Do you love singing and want to use your voice to glorify God? Emanuel's Adult Choir welcomes new members of all abilities and experience levels, 7th grade and up. We rehearse weekly September-May and sing during Sunday services once a month. If you love to sing, there's a place for you in our choir! To learn more and sign up, contact Kate Tiefel at 982-5444 or


If you play a musical instrument and want to share your talents during our worship services, we have opportunities for you! Students in 6th grade and up and adults are invited to participate. Throughout the year, we schedule opportunities for all instruments, from praise band to brass and woodwind ensembles. To get involved, please contact Kate Tiefel at 982-5444 or