GROW - Opportunities in God’s Word


Starting Point: Your Journey Begins Here

Are you curious about the Bible and its teachings? Have you been away from church for a while? Starting Point is the perfect place to start your journey.

Join us for a friendly and informative eight-week course designed to answer your questions about faith, God, and the Bible. Discover the answers to questions like:

  • How do we know there is a God?

  • Where did we come from?

  • How can I be sure I’m forgiven?

  • What is the Lord’s Supper and why is it so important?

Sessions are starting soon, and we look forward to sharing more details. Please check back for updates or call our office at 920-982-5444 for more information.


Breakfast Bible Study

Join us for Bible Class and breakfast each Thursday morning at 6:30 AM at Marly's Restaurant, 520 S Pearl St, New London. After we place our breakfast orders, we chew on some truths from God’s Word. Book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, God’s truth is revealed as the Holy Spirit builds our faith. An hour later we enjoy food and Christian fellowship. More hungry souls are always welcome.


Youth and Teen Bible Studies and Christian Fellowship

Sunday School

Calling all children from 3K through 6th grade—we want you for Sunday School! For the first 15 minutes, families will meet in the Fellowship Hall (church dining room) for a quick Bible Story time. Afterward, kids will be brought to the HUB for music, crafts, and fun! This provides an excellent time for families to grow in their faith together by studying God's Word.


JAM! (Jesus And Me!)

JAM! offers fun, faith-centered activities for children under 5 and their families. JAM! is here to help parents nurture their child’s faith. Join us to connect with other families and grow together in Jesus! We have lots of opportunities!

A joyful heart makes a cheerful face. Proverbs 15:13


JAM! Time

Join us for JAM! Time. JAM! Time is a fun time for littles (under 5) and grown-ups to learn, sing, play, and connect around Jesus! JAM! Time! is scheduled on select Friday mornings throughout the Fall and Winter seasons in our School Commons & Gym


JAM! In the Sand!

JAM! In the Sand! is our summertime fun time! We have Jesus Time, Story Time, and Play Time, and often we also have Picnic Time! JAM! In the Sand! is scheduled on select summer days at Hatten Park, near the Pavilion.


JAM! in Our Jammies!

We gather for an evening devotion, songs, prayers, and a small snack. Please join us in the commons in your pajamas! Mrs. D wears hers, too! This is a time to slow down, unwind, and be wrapped in Jesus before bedtime. JAM! In Our Jammies! is scheduled on select evenings throughout the year.


Christmas JAM!

Celebrate the joy of Jesus' birth with us at Christmas JAM! This special event brings families together for a heartwarming time filled with music, crafts, and the story of the first Christmas. Experience the wonder of the season with your little ones as we share the greatest gift of all—our Savior, Jesus. Don’t miss this opportunity to make memories and grow in faith together.


Easter JAM!

Rejoice in the resurrection at Easter JAM! Join us for a fun and faith-filled event celebrating the victory of Jesus over the grave. Families will enjoy engaging activities, an interactive Easter story, and songs that proclaim the good news of Easter morning. Come and be reminded of the hope and joy we have in Jesus, our risen Lord!



Bring the joy of Jesus right to your doorstep with JAM! @ HOME! Our JAM Coordinator will visit your family to share resources designed to help you nurture your little ones’ faith in the comfort of your own home. Each visit includes personalized materials, activities, and encouragement to make growing in Jesus a meaningful and fun part of your everyday life. Let us partner with you in building a strong foundation of faith for your child.


Vacation Bible School

Save the date! VBS is coming July 14-18, 2025. More details about our exciting program will be announced soon.

Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Matthew 7:24


 Public School Confirmation Instruction-PSI

The term "confirmation" is a significant milestone in the life of a believer, symbolizing a strengthening of faith through directed Bible study. This strengthening is publicly acknowledged in a special ceremony, where individuals have the opportunity to confess their faith in Jesus and proclaim their unity of faith with the body of believers. It is through this confession that others in the community can rest assured of an individual's readiness to participate in Holy Communion, a sacred act of worship.

At Emanuel Lutheran, we place great importance on providing comprehensive spiritual guidance and education to our students. In our Lutheran elementary school, students are privileged to attend confirmation instruction classes during the weekdays. These classes serve as a valuable opportunity for these young minds to delve deeper into their faith and develop a stronger connection with God.

However, we also recognize the importance of accommodating public school students in their faith journey. For this reason, we offer a dedicated confirmation class specifically tailored to their needs. Fifth to eighth-grade students from public schools come together on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. to engage in these important classes. This scheduling ensures that students can attend without conflicting with their regular school commitments.

If you are interested in learning more about our confirmation classes or have any questions regarding the Public School Instruction (PSI) program, we encourage you to reach out to our office. Our dedicated team is here to provide you with the information you need to make the best decision for your child's spiritual growth and development.


Crossroads Youth Group

At Crossroads, our ultimate objective remains unwavering - to empower students in fifth through eighth grades to engage in meaningful conversations about real-life challenges, all while nurturing their spiritual growth through a Biblical lens. Each week, we curate an assortment of interactive team-building activities that foster a sense of camaraderie and encourage collaborative problem-solving. Moreover, our students delve into thought-provoking discussions and devotions centered around pertinent life topics, igniting their minds and hearts with wisdom and discernment. To further enhance the experience, they also get to unwind and forge lasting connections with their peers during lively hang-out sessions. And let's not forget the exciting social gatherings sprinkled throughout the year, which serve as cherished occasions for our students to bond, celebrate, and share joyous moments together. At Crossroads, we believe in providing a well-rounded experience that hones not only their spiritual foundation but also their interpersonal skills and sense of belonging in a community rooted in faith.

Eighth Grade Crossroads members are eligible to participate in the WELS International Youth Rally held every third year.  

  • We have many students from Emanuel Lutheran and New London Middle School, but also from other schools. ANYONE in grades 5-8 is welcome to come.

  • No, ANYONE in fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth grade is welcome to come.

  • Yes! There are times we have food, soda, or candy, but this is not an every-week event. If you have a special treat, please bring it to share.

  • We try to do activities that relate either to a specific topic or a team-building activity. One of our goals is to build a strong, closely-knit group where we can trust each other to share openly and honestly.

  • No problem, simply come when you can. You are always welcome, even if it is only once a month or once a year!


SOAR High School Group

Students On Another Road

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” - Matthew 7:13-14 (NIV)

SOAR—Students On Another Road—is a unique and dynamic group that strives to encourage and empower high school students to follow "the road less traveled." In a world where conformity often reigns, SOAR embraces the idea of making choices that may be different from those of their peers. As Emanuel Lutheran's dedicated teen group, SOAR serves as a safe and supportive community where students can explore real-life issues through the lens of the Bible.

Every week, SOAR members come together for team-building activities, engaging in life-topic discussions, and uplifting devotions. It's not just about deep conversations, though; the group also takes the time to simply hang out and have fun with fellow teens. Additionally, throughout the year, SOAR organizes various social gatherings to foster deeper connections and create lasting memories.

However, the opportunities provided by SOAR extend beyond the walls of Emanuel Lutheran. Teens from this remarkable group have the chance to participate in the highly anticipated WELS International Youth Rallies, held every other year. These rallies serve as a platform for young individuals to join forces with like-minded peers from around the world, strengthening their faith and creating lifelong friendships.

In addition to these incredible experiences, some SOAR members are even given the privilege of embarking on short-term mission trips to Grenada. Partnering with Grace Lutheran Church, Grenada, these teens have the opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of children and teens in our sister church. Such journeys not only broaden horizons but also allow our students to develop a heart of compassion and service.
SOAR truly stands apart as a haven for high school students seeking to grow spiritually, explore important topics, build lasting relationships, and make a difference in the world. Join us on this extraordinary journey and discover the joy of traveling down the road less traveled with SOAR.

  • We have had many students from both New London High School and Fox Valley Lutheran High School, but we have also had students from Hortonville, Manawa, Weyauwega, and other schools. ANYONE in high school is welcome to come.

  • No, ANYONE in high school is welcome to come.

  • Yes! There are times we have food, soda, or candy, but this is not an every-week event. If you have a special treat, please bring it to share.

  • We try to do activities that relate either to a specific topic or a team-building activity. One of our goals is to build a strong, closely-knit group where we can trust each other to share openly and honestly.

  • No problem, simply come when you can. You are always welcome, even if it is only once a month or once a year.

  • No, but this is the best place for information on upcoming trips and events and it is the best place for you to get to know our leaders and for them to get acquainted with you.