To understand our greatest needs, we need to understand our greatest problems. So, here is the irony. One of our greatest problems is we do not think we have many problems at all. This can be especially true of those who are religious. We look to our religious activity—our regular time in prayer, our generous offerings, our volunteerism—as proof that we are just fine, certainly better than most. This belief is reinforced when others notice all the good we do and praise us for it.
Ash Wednesday is the antidote to pride. If we are so good, then why are we slowly turning back into dirt? Ash Wednesday teaches the sobering truth that one day soon, people won’t see the best version of ourselves, but the dead one. “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” That Ash Wednesday refrain echoes the funeral rite that will one day be spoken over us all: ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
On this first day of Lent, God intends to give us what we badly need—a wholly humbled heart that looks to Christ in contrition and true repentance. Such a heart will produce piety without any of the posing and pomp that pride tries to inject.