GO—Serve the Lord

There are many ways you can serve the Lord at Emanuel.

Serving in Worship

Altar Guild

Our dedicated Altar Guild serves on a carefully organized rotating schedule to meticulously manage and care for the essential components of our worship space - from the delicate altar linens and shining brass to the radiant candles and beautifully adorned paraments. Their attention to detail ensures that every aspect of our church's sacred space is maintained in a state of reverence and beauty, providing a harmonious environment for congregants to express their devotion and connect with their faith on a deep and meaningful level. The commitment of the Altar Guild is a testament to their unwavering dedication and love for our church community.

Communion Servers

If you're a gentleman wanting to assist with distributing communion at Emanuel, please contact the office. We are happy to welcome new volunteers for this role. Also, if you're interested in being a backup for regular services, please get in touch with us and we will include you on the substitute list.


At our worship services, greeters play a crucial role in fostering a welcoming environment for both regular attendees and newcomers. Serving as the initial point of contact, greeters extend a friendly welcome with a smile and handshake. Their key responsibilities include warmly receiving people as they arrive, offering assistance and information about the church, such as directions, seating arrangements, and details about ongoing events. Greeters also distribute essential materials like worship programs and bulletins to ensure everyone is well-informed during the service. Additionally, they stand ready to address any questions attendees may have regarding the service, facilities, or upcoming events. With a special focus on newcomers, greeters introduce them to others, helping them feel at ease and providing valuable information about the church's programs. Join us in creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for worship and fellowship.

media Production

Our Media Production Team operates audio and video equipment during live events like worship services and special occasions. Team members work to enhance the overall production and recording quality, contributing to a more impactful and engaging experience for the congregation. This involves managing equipment such as microphones, cameras, and other media tools to support church and school events.

Worship Service Ushers

The role of a worship service usher is crucial in creating a welcoming and organized environment for churchgoers. Ushers help with seating, distribute bulletins, and assist in maintaining order during the service. They play a key part in making attendees feel comfortable and ensuring the smooth flow of the worship experience. Additionally, ushers often handle tasks like collecting offerings, guiding people during communion, and addressing any immediate needs or concerns. Their service contributes to the overall positive atmosphere and helps create a respectful space for worship.

 Serving with Music

Adult Handbells

Our adult handbells group makes our worship services more beautiful by playing songs of praise to our God. We are open to new members and willing to help you learn how to play. To find out more, please get in touch with Kay Gielow at (715) 752-3536 or kdgielow@gmail.com.

Bells Alive

Our Bells Alive group is for students in grades 5 to 12. It's a great opportunity for young believers to use their musical talents to praise God and enhance our worship. For more information, please reach out to Kay Gielow at (715) 752-3536 or kdgielow@gmail.com.

Adult Choir

At Emanuel, both men and women use their voices to sing praises to God. They perform during regular worship services and two special song services each year. If you'd like to use your voice to worship God and be part of the worship at Emanuel, please consider joining the adult choir. To join, contact Kate Tiefel at 982-5444 or ktiefel@emanuelnl.org.


If you enjoy music and want to share your abilities during our worship services, we have different ways you can get involved. If you're interested in playing for our special services, please reach out to Kate Tiefel at 982-5444 or ktiefel@emanuelnl.org. We welcome everyone who wants to use their talents and gifts to praise God.

Women Who Serve

Ladies Aid

The oldest group at Emanuel is open to all women who are active members of the church. Their main focus is to encourage Christian friendship through the teachings of the Bible and provide chances to help Emanuel and the community. They meet on the first Thursday of each month (except for July) at 1:00 p.m. in the basement of the church. The meetings involve a time of reflection, discussing important matters, and socializing. All women are invited to become members and take part.

Ladies Evening Circle

The Ladies Evening Circle welcomes all adult women of Emanuel to their meetings. They gather on the first Monday of September through May at 6:30 p.m. in the church basement. The group aims to promote Christian fellowship and create opportunities for Christian service within Emanuel and the community. All women are invited to attend and participate in the meetings.

Women of His Word

Women of HIS Word strives to strengthen the body of Christ by offering women opportunities to grow spiritually, pray together, establish Christian relationships, and support one another in their Christian walk. The group's main objective is to encourage and build up women in their journey to serve Christ.

Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society

The Lutheran Women's Missionary Society (LWMS) is a group for ladies affiliated with WELS that provides education on world and home missions. Every woman in the congregation is automatically a member, and we hold meetings on the third Monday of September through May in Emanuel's Community Room at 1:00 PM. In addition, the Wolf River Circuit congregations host spring and fall rallies on a rotating basis.

Men Who Serve

Men of the Outdoors

The Men of the Outdoors is a group tailored for men who are enthusiastic about outdoor activities. It is not an organization or club, and there are no regular meetings or membership fees. Instead, we organize outdoor events and seek to spread the message of our Heavenly Father. Our mission and vision statements serve as our guiding principles.

Serving the Greater New London Community

Good Samaritan Food Collection

Emanuel Lutheran Church is partnering with the New London Community Cupboard to give meals to people who don't have enough to eat. You can bring food during the week when the office is open or on the weekends when there are worship services. If you prefer, you can donate money by dropping it off at the office or putting it in the collection plate. We appreciate your help in making New London a stronger community.

“The King will answer them, ‘Amen I tell you: Just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me.’” Matthew 25:40

Women’s Ministries

Ladies Aid

The oldest organization at Emanuel is open to all women who are communicant members of the congregation. Their primary goal is to promote Christian fellowship through the Gospel and create opportunities to serve and support Emanuel and the community. They gather on the first Thursday of every month (except for July) at 1:00 PM. in the church basement. The meetings include a devotion, business, and fellowship. All women are welcome to join and participate.

Ladies Evening Circle

The Ladies Evening Circle welcomes all adult women of Emanuel to their meetings. They gather on the first Monday of September through May at 6:00 PM in the church basement. The group's aim is to promote Christian fellowship and create opportunities for Christian service within Emanuel and the community. All women are invited to attend and participate in the meetings.

Women of His Word

Women of HIS Word strives to strengthen the body of Christ by offering women opportunities to grow spiritually, pray together, establish Christian relationships, and support one another in their Christian walk. The group's main objective is to encourage and build up women in their journey to serve Christ.

Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society

The Lutheran Women's Missionary Society (LWMS) is a group for ladies affiliated with WELS that provides education on world and home missions. Every woman in the congregation is automatically a member, and we hold meetings on the third Monday of September through May in Emanuel's Community Room at 1:00 PM. In addition, the Wolf River Circuit congregations host spring and fall rallies on a rotating basis.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
— Proverbs 31:30

 Men of the Outdoors

The Men of the Outdoors is a group tailored for men who are enthusiastic about outdoor activities. It is not an organization or club, and there are no regular meetings or membership fees. Instead, we organize outdoor events and seek to spread the Good News of the Gospel. Our mission and vision statements serve as our guiding principles.

Our Aim

We want to bring together men who share a love for the outdoors through hosting outdoor-related events, while also sharing the Word of God and demonstrating Christian love to everyone. By participating in outdoor activities, men have the opportunity to bond over shared interests and share their experiences. Additionally, hearing the Word of God at these events helps men to grow spiritually. We strive to create an environment that fosters fellowship, idea-sharing, and open conversation about our outdoor pursuits.


Annual Sportsmen’s Breakfast

We had an amazing time at our Sixth Annual Sportsmen’s Breakfast! We hosted various break-out sessions, connected with local vendors, savored a delicious breakfast, and were inspired by our keynote speaker’s passion for God and the outdoors. Our keynote speaker was Alaska resident and avid outdoorsman, WELS Pastor Chris Ewings. We had a blast hosting enthusiastic men, women, and kids who share a love for the great outdoors.

Mark your calendars for our Seventh Annual Sportsmen’s Breakfast on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Don’t miss out – it’s going to be fantastic!


MOTO Bible Study

Men of the Outdoors hosts Bible studies periodically on our campus and elsewhere. For details on the next MOTO Bible study, visit our Bible studies page.

Boundary Waters Trip

The Men of the Outdoors recently returned from a memorable canoe trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA). The week-long adventure, which took place from July 29 to August 3, brought together a group of men 18 years and older for a shared experience of fellowship, faith, and fishing.

Open to both members and non-members of Emanuel Lutheran Church, the trip provided a unique opportunity for camaraderie and spiritual reflection. The group embarked on their journey from Sawbill Lake entry point #38, immersing themselves in the natural beauty and tranquility of the wilderness.

Participants enjoyed days filled with paddling, fishing, and exploring the stunning surroundings. Evenings were spent around the campfire, sharing stories and deepening their connections with one another. The trip offered a much-needed escape from everyday life and a chance to appreciate the wonders of God’s creation.

Breakfast Bible Chat

The Men of the Outdoors invites you to our quarterly Sportsman’s Breakfast Chat held at Marly’s Restaurant. Whether the warmer temperatures have you thinking spring or whether you're still busy ice fishing, please join us. You're welcome to share your hunting and fishing stories or anything else you'd like to chat about. Bring your pictures and share them with the group.

MOTO Devotions and News

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.
— Psalm 42:1